National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) is an autonomous institute
under the Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology,
Government of India and is a registered society as per the Andhra Pradesh
Government Act., 2001.
Present Address:
National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB),
Opp. Journalist Colony, Near Gowlidoddy,
Extended Q City Road, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500 032
The goal of NIAB is to:
Harness existing and emerging biotechnologies and;
- Build a strong and competitive animal-based industry
- To undertake directed, basic and applied research towards technology and product
innovation. Characterization of breeds and selective breeding to enhance
productivity; developtechnologies for multiplication of elite
genotypes.Development of transgenic animals forproducing molecules of
pharmaceutical value.Enrichment of crop residues into high
valueproducts.Development of new generation vaccines, diagnostics and drugs.
- To develop human resource across the value chain, primarily for translational
research,industrial R&D; facilitate introduction of short term advanced
training, with a focus oninterdisciplinary science, innovation and the science
of manufacturing.
- To contribute to national policy formulation related to
animal biotechnology, animal bio-safetyissues and ethical issues.
- To promote
intellectual property protection, business development, technology transfer,
andacademia-industry partnerships.
- To develop collaborative programs with
national and international partners with focus ontranslational research and
product development.
- To provide incubation facilities for
entrepreneurs/startup companies.
- To create
(i) extramural centers with
emphasis on product innovation and translational research
(ii) ‘not for profit’
companies; and
(iii) facilitate the creation of ‘for profit’ companies
Functions and Powers of the Governing Board
The Governing Board shall generally carry out and pursue the objectives of the
Society asset forth in the Memorandum of Association. The management of all the
affairs and fundsof the Society, shall for this purpose, vest in the Governing
The Governing Board shall exercise all the powers of the society, subject to
nationalpolicies and laws of the Government of India.
In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
provisions, the Governing Board shall have the power, subject to the provision
of these rules and the bye-laws to;
i) Consider the annual and supplementary budgets placed before it by the
Director from time to time,and pass them with such modifications as the
Governing Board may think fit;
ii) Create, upgrade and abolish posts; in matters
of creation of regular posts, the Governing Board shall follow the instructions
of the Government of India in this regard; the Governing Board my
create contractual posts, including faculty posts, as per the requirements of
iii) Appoint, or provide approval to the Director of the Institute to
appoint following modalities to be laid down by the Governing Board, various
scientific, technical, administrative and other officers andstaff of the
Society, fix their remuneration and define their duties and terms of employment;
iv) Enter into arrangements with the Government of India, the state Governments
and other public orprivate organizations or individuals for securing and
accepting grants-in-aid, endowments, donationsor gifts to the Society, on
mutually agreed terms and conditions; provided that such terms andconditions, if
any, shall not be contrary to, inconsistent or in conflict with the objectives
of theSociety; provided, for any such arrangement with foreign and / or
international agencies or organizations the prevailing national policies and
laws of the Government of India are complied with;
v) Take over, acquire by
purchase, sale, gifts, exchange, lease or hire or otherwise from Govt. of India,
the State Governments and other public or private bodies or individuals,
institutions libraries, laboratories, movable and immovable properties, to
construct, improve, alter or demolish or repair buildings and other structures,
endowments or other funds together with any attendant obligations andengagements
not inconsistent with the objectives of the Society; provided for any such
activity involving a foreign and / or international agency of organization, the
prevailing national policies and laws of the Government of India are complied
vi) Be the custodian of the moveable and immovable properties of the
vii) Appoint Committees, such as Selection Committees for recruitment
of faculty and other staff, and Sub-Committees for such purposes and with such
powers and for such periods and on such terms as itmay deem fit, and dissolve
any of them. In particular the Governing Board shall constitute thefollowing
committees for recommending the programmes, activities and their management
regardingscientific, technical, administrative & financial aspects:
Scientific Advisory Committee - comprising scientists of international repute in
disciplines related to the field of biomedical genomics, including some senior
faculty members of NIAB. This Committee shall provide guidance and advice to the
scientific work conducted by NIAB, and shall periodically provide accounts of
scientific progress of the institute to the Governing Board,
b) Finance
Committee – comprising the Financial Adviser, DBT, and such other members to be
decided by the Chairman in consultation with the Director.
(c) Building
Committee – such members to be decided by the Chairman in consultation with the
Director. The constitution of the various committees and sub-committee shall be
decided by the Chairman in consultation with the Director, and if necessary,
with appropriate external experts.
viii) Delegate such administrative and
financial powers as it may think proper to the Chairman, the Director, and such
other offices of the Society as may be considered necessary; and
ix) To frame,
amend or bye-laws, for the administration and management of the affairs of the
Society and in particular to provide for the following matters:
a) Preparation
and sanction of budget estimates, sanctioning of expenditure entering into and
execution of contracts, investment of the funds of the Society, sale or
alteration of such investments and maintenance of accounts and their audit; b)
Procedure for recruitment of officers and establishment in the service of the
Society; c) Terms and tenures of appointments, service conditions, emoluments,
allowances, rules of discipline and other conditions of service of the
establishments of the Society; d) Terms and conditions governing the grant of
scholarships, fellowships and grants-in –aid for research schemes and projects
no inconsistent with the objectives of the Society; e) Institute Adjunct
Professor, Professor of Eminence, Distinguished Scientist Eminent Scientist and
define their terms, conditions and tenure; f) Such other matters as may be
necessary for the administration of the affairs and funds of the Society.
