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Dr. Madhuri Subbiah, Scientist C Name:


Areas of Specialization:

Madhuri Subbiah


Animal viral diseases, pathogenesis, host-pathogen interaction, viral evasion of host immunity, on-farm rapid diagnostics and novel prevention strategies


Education and training:

Dr. Madhuri Subbiah is a veterinarian by profession and received her Ph.D. in Molecular Virology from University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA in 2010. Dr. Subbiah previously worked as Deputy Manager, Platform Technologies, Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, where she was involved in managing projects from clients as well as developing novel platforms for drug development. She joined NIAB in November 2012.

Research experience and interests:

During her doctoral studies, Dr. Madhuri Subbiah characterized the avian paramyxovirus serotype 2 (APMV-2) strains for the first time and also established reverse genetics system for APMV-2 prototype strain Yucaipa. During her work in the industry, Dr. Madhuri Subbiah together with her team helped develop high throughput mammalian cell-based platforms for screening potential drugs and toxins. Her research interests are to understand the molecular mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, to comprehend host-pathogen interactions and virus evasion of host immune response. Her major focus at NIAB will be to apply this knowledge for developing preventive measures and on-farm viral diagnostics.

Selected awards, honours and fellowships:
  1. Patents – 1 Indian (methods for detecting viral protein and antiviral compounds thereof); 2 international (Identification of cellulolytic microorganism contamination in food and other materials; An in vitro method for high throughput screening of genotoxic agents in eukaryotic cells)

  2. Poster presentation awards at Virocon 2016 and Virocon 2017 organized by Indian Virological Society and 2nd annual conference and national symposium on ‘Integrating poultry health and food safety’ held by Association of Avian Health Professionals, 2014.

  3. DST Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2012 by FICCI and the University of Texas IC2 Institute.

  4. Travel awards for poster and oral presentations at the American Society of Virology (ASV) Conference – 2009, and ASV Conference – 2008, and ASV Conference – 2006; Goldhaber Travel Grant 2009, University of Maryland, USA.

  5. The Basil and Anne Hatziolos Fellow of 2006, awarded to an outstanding international Veterinary graduate at the University of Maryland, USA.

Selected publications:

  1. N Gujjar, SK Chothe, S Gawai, R Nissly, G Bhushan, V Kanagaraj, BM Jayarao, K Kathaperumal, M Subbiah, SV Kuchipudi. 2017. Co-expression of sialic acid receptors compatible with avian and human influenza virus binding in emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae). Virology 500:114-21.

  2. SP Vaidyanathan, S Gawai, M Subbiah. 2016. Elucidation of the role of non-structural viral protein (W) of Newcastle disease virus. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45:337-86.

  3. HK Karnati, SR Pasupuleti, R Kandi, RB Undi, I Sahu, TR Kannaki, M Subbiah, RK Gutti. 2105. TLR-4 signalling pathway: MyD88 independent pathway up-regulation in chicken breeds upon LPS treatment. Veterinary Research Communications 39(1):73-8.

  4. L Rajakrishna, US Krishnan M Subbiah, S Sadagopan, AR Nair, R Chandrappa, G Sambasivam, SK Sukumaran. 2014. Validation of a human cell based high-throughput genotoxicity assay 'Anthem's Genotoxicity screen' using ECVAM recommended lists of genotoxic and non-genotoxic chemicals. Toxicology In Vitro 28(1):46-53.

  5. S Xiao, SK Khattar, M Subbiah, PL Collins, SK Samal. 2012. Mutation of the F protein cleavage site of avian paramyxovirus-7 results in furin cleavage, fusion promotion and increased replication in vitro, but not increased replication, tissue tropism, or virulence in chickens. Journal of Virology 86(7):3828-38.

  6. SH Kim, M Subbiah, AS Samuel, PL Collins, SK Samal. 2011. Roles of the fusion and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase proteins in replication, tropism, and pathogenicity of avian paramyxoviruses. Journal of Virology 85(17):8582-96.

  7. M Subbiah M, SK Khattar, PL Collins, SK Samal. 2011. Mutations in the fusion protein cleavage site of avian paramyxovirus serotype 2 increase cleavability and syncytium formation but do not increase viral virulence in chickens. Journal of Virology 85(11):5394-405.

  8. AS Samuel, M Subbiah, H Shive, PL Collins, SK Samal. 2011. Experimental infection of hamsters with avian paramyxovirus serotypes 1 to 9. Veterinary Research 42(1):38.

  9. M Subbiah, S Xiao S, PL Collins, SK Samal. 2008. Complete sequence of the genome of avian paramyxovirus type 2 (strain Yucaipa) and comparison with other paramyxoviruses. Virus Research 137(1):40-8.

  10. M Subbiah, Y Yan, D Rockemann, SK Samal. 2008. Experimental infection of calves with Newcastle disease virus induces systemic and mucosal antibody responses. Archives of Virology 153(6):1197-200.


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